
  1. Jmoore

    Wanted blue neons

    I recently bought a quad of blue neons, but sadly when I opened the box all there was was the male.. I guess all the females died, if you have any please let me know Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  2. G

    WTB nototaenia, rostratus, and blue neons

    I'm trying to fill out my tank a bit. Anyone looking to move some of these guys? Buccochromis nototaenia Fossorochromis rostratus Aulonocara stuartgranti blue neon
  3. msjinkzd

    otocinclus, green neons, hatchetfish, inverts; S/PU; York PA

    Green neon tetras- $1, 20 for $15 Otocinclus affinis(i think, that is what they came to me as): $1.50, 10 for $12 Marbled hatchets: $2.50 All of these are schooling fish so i would recommend a minimum of 6. Shipping express is recommended. Live arrival on all express packages. Express...