
  1. thedavidzoo

    FS: 6 Neolamp multifasciatus juvies

    Gauging interest. They are about an inch long. I have a few more but they are a bit smaller. I can throw in a starter shell or two. I can bring to meeting tomorrow.
  2. Charlutz

    Video of my neolamp buescheri with fry

    It might have just been overlooked by me, but the buescheri actually make pretty good parents. They are keeping the fry safe. They only lay a few eggs at a time but there are several generations living together. Some of the fry are so small you can't see them on the video. The squabbling...
  3. Charlutz

    Neolamp Buescheri Zaire Gold and albino bristlenose cats

    I've got 4 juvie neolamprologous buescheri zaire golds (tanganyikan) from 1.75" - 2.25" for $15 each. Photos below are of the same fish. Their coloration is subject to swift mood swings! Also, have ABNs from 1-2" for $3 each.