
  1. Jelimafish

    Ordered Similis, Received Multis, Need Advice.

    Almost 2 months ago I ordered the last 4 Similis and received them and they were Similis, a little smaller then described but beautiful healthy fish. I have been scouring the internet to find some more and then I finally found some. I ordered 4 more last Wednesday, they shipped Thursday, and...
  2. thedavidzoo

    FS: Neolamprologus multifasciatus - multis

    For Feb 14th meeting or pickup. Neolamprologus multifasciatus - group of about 4-8 varying sizes or however many you desire. Make me an offer. :happy0180: WOW - PM now for a FREE shell!!!!!:love0030: Haha
  3. M

    Where to buy multis

    Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can buy some multis in the Baltimore area?
  4. Yael

    FYI multis

    A local fish store has a nice bunch of multis for sale - some brought in by a customer - for anyone looking. I wish I had a tank available for them! I don't know if I'm permitted to give out the name but if you have an interest, pm me.
  5. E

    Looking for some Syno Multis and others...

    Hello everyone.. been reading the forums for some time but never posted. New to the area (eastern WV). My boys and I are looking for some fish.. We prefer small stuff- fry or a bit larger. Certainly cost must be considered. Thanks for any help.. Wish list: Syno Multipunctatus Deep Water Haps...
  6. D

    WTB - shelldwellers other than multis

    looking to buy some shelldwellers (other than multis). any one have any? i'm in herndon. thanks --dawn:animal0028:
  7. msjinkzd


    are these multis or similis? I am pretty sure multis just making sure
  8. Shinchan

    WTB: Multis

    Looking for Multis in Falls Church/Vienna area. Was supposed to get some at the meeting yesterday but the seller was a no show. LFS has some but won't sell them because they are "too hard to catch" lol! :wacko: Anyway, can someone please help? Looking for 3-6 unsexed juvies or 1m/2-3f sexed...