
  1. Tangcollector

    MTS Snails

    So I have a 40G Breeder tank. It has 15 Tropheus in it. That is all that has ever been in it. It has a thin layer of PFS on the bottom. The tropheus came shipped to me from 2 different vendors. I never saw a snail in the bags but low and behold here they are. I will throw away the sand and...
  2. Thai

    Free MTS and MTS ridden natural PFS

    All the snails you could want!!! Also have about 150lbs of super nice sand, only catch is there are tons of snails
  3. thedavidzoo

    FREE MTS snails - for fish/turtle food?

    Some MTS I've been collecting...will bring to April meeting.
  4. thedavidzoo

    FREE MTS snails - for fish/turtle food?

    Like you don't have enough of these yourselves...I am offering up a gob of Malaysian Trumpet Snails! Evidently make good food for puffers and other such snail eating critters. Can bring to Feb meeting.
  5. Greengirl

    Official case of MTS

    Well...are you all happy? I caught Multi Tank Syndrome! I have two running tanks, one 45g and one 36g. I have a 10g ready to hold spawn. And now I am taking a 70g of an old lady's hands. I did some measuring and I am placing it where my 45g is and will move my 45g to another stand and put the...
  6. thedavidzoo

    MTS eating calvus eggs?

    I have had at least 3 successful yellow calvus spawns (but no survivors for various reasons). It seems they are still actively spawning and have been doing so for quite a while, but no fry are emerging. Could it be that my MTS explosion could be eating the eggs in the shells, especially at...
  7. F

    Looking for MTS

    i am looking for Malaysian trumpet snails. Anyone have an overpopulation that they are willing to share?? I am willing to pay for shipping to 22032. Thanks.