
  1. McFluffrichromis

    FS/FT Cyrtocara Moorii and Strawberry peacock

    I am asking $40 for the peacock and $20 for the Dolphin. Here are the pics. Credit to phil for all of the Moorii pictures. The Dolphin(Moorii) is a female and is bigger than all of my fish approx 7"+ and it is not working in my community. The Strawberry peacock has been the dominant Male in...
  2. iamzrad

    FS/FT: Cyrtocara Moorii

    She's about 6.5". Eats pellets and market/cooked shrimp. Willing to sell or trade her. Looking for any 4"+ haps or peacocks. Tell me whatcha got! *I'll post full shots of her tomorrow. $15, picked up. I'm located outside Baltimore, in the Towson/Parkville area.
  3. G

    Tropheus Moorii

    Ok, I've been looking at pictures of Tropheus moorii and I absolutely love them! The colors of all the varients are so nice! I wouldn't be able to keep more than one varient pair in a setup without fear of them interbreeding would I? Any good information on this fish online?