
  1. Becca

    Available - Microworm Cultures

    I may have overdone it on my microworms. I have 4 going cultures and I really only need 2 at any given time. Rather than waste them, does anyone want to come pick them up? I won't argue if you want to cover the cost of the little snack container they're in ($1), but it's up to you...
  2. chriscoli

    Microworm Wranglers

    There are a lot of ways to raise microworms out there, but here's what works for me. It's pretty easy to stay on top of the subculturing, and the benefit is totally worth the effort, IMO. Basically, I make up a batch of instant oatmeal (I use a hotpot0 in the bathroom downstairs which is...
  3. Enkay

    Need Microworm starter

    If anyone has a microworm culture, I would like a starter. Will pay. Prefer Fairfax or whereabouts. Thanks!
  4. mscichlid

    Wanted: Microworm Culture

    I need a microworm culture. Anyone have any going? FB