
  1. Beanie Seagus

    Aware of any clubs out in western maryland

    Hi Guys, I'm going to be away from home for work over near the cumberland maryland area for a while. Anyone know of any aquarium keeping societies out that way? I've just set up a portable 10 gallon to bring me with but will need to get plugged into the local fish folk if i'm to...
  2. Frank Cowherd

    Removing Fish ladders in Maryland

    Here is a notice of a meeting this Thursday April 7th that sounds interesting. Did you know there is a fish ladder in the Port Tobacco Creek at Route 6? A fish ladder is a structure that allows migratory fish, such as yellow perch and river herring, to bypass a barrier and migrate...
  3. Jkelly2487

    Looking for cichlids in maryland

    I live in Mechanicsville MD and I am looking for somewhere that has a good selection of cichlids. Thnaks
  4. Jkelly2487

    Looking for cichlids in maryland

    Hi I live in mechanicsville Maryland and I am looking for some cichlids please give me some info on a good place to buy them thanks:D
  5. MontelBoom

    FS $10 Jack Dempsey | Lanham, Maryland

    The big guy is about almost a year old and 7 1/2 inches head to tail. He has a very nice coloration, but after he killed his electric blue female last week that I've been trying to breed for almost two years. Pm me if you're interested or drop me a email at
  6. F

    Newcomer from Maryland

    Hi, I am in Ellicott City. I am fairly new to fish keeping and just set up an all male peacock tank. I have already made a few mistakes, but I am learning as we all are.
  7. Tangcollector

    Hello from Gaithersburg,Maryland

    Hi all, It's great to be here and hopefully I will be able to meet some of you. I am back in the hobby after a long absence. I really missed it and am loving being back. I am currently running 3 Soon to be 4 tanks with Tanganyikans. So lets talk fish.
  8. L

    need a new lfs

    I live in the lexington park area of maryland and am looking to find a good lfs. all i have been ale to find around here is a petco and they from my experience are complete garbage. i have been dealing with them for a few months now but i am pretty much fed up with them. if anyone knows of...
  9. R

    Looking for Tropheus in Maryland?

    Greetings all, I'm looking to buy tropheus local from a hobbyist/breeder. If anyone could point me in a direction to find someone, I would be greatful. The fish stores dont't seem to sell a big enough group and the prices/quality is ehhhh.
  10. fischfan13

    Thank You Maryland

    What a phenomenal site. I was driving on Rte 571 in Toms River (Ocean County, NJ) when I saw a minivan with Maryland plates. On the back window it said "Barrier Reef Relief", and on the side window it said "Honk", so I did. As I drove past it I saw another vehicle, and another, and another...
  11. Jeff721

    Fishkeeper in Southern Maryland

    Hi everyone, my name is Jeff as you probably picked up on already from the screen name. I am down in Accokeek. I am mostly interested in dwarf cichlids and central/south americans. I have a pair of Pelvicachromis Pulcher as well as two pairs of Mikrogeophagus Ramirezi, along with a bunch of...
  12. S

    Hello from Brandywine Maryland

    Hello everyone :D, I from Brandywine, MD and I am new to the CCA and to the African Cichlid world. I joined the CCA to pick the brains of some experience African Cichlid lovers for information and ideas on the whole African Cichlid (Tangs and Mbuna) game. I am pretty well adverse on the South...
  13. J

    Greetings from Southern Maryland

    I keep a 55 gallon tank with an oscar in it.
  14. S

    Two 40 breeders, Driving up to Maryland

    I still have the two 40g breeder tanks for sale. $40 each. 16l, 9h, 10w tank, back glass is 9in high, sides and front is 10in. $5. 10in cube. $10 I will be going up into Maryland this weekend and can bring them with me. Emmitsburg, Maryland, 21727 is the area I'm driving to. I'll be going...
  15. wlsgmfr123

    Does anyone like Maryland?

    Hello, I just want to talk about Maryland where I am living now. Setting up fish tanks and take care of those fish are my hobbies. Feeling dissapointment at Maryland, I have been having troubles whenever (yea, whenever is a perfect word) I try to get some new fish such as shell...
  16. cmcpart0422

    University of Maryland Chichlids

    So I was registering for my classes this semester and came across an interesting biology class that is available on campus. It was listed as BSCI 338K - Genetic Research on Cichlid Fishes. Doesn't fit into my schedule and I'm not a bio student so I didn't register for it but I did end up...
  17. H

    New to Maryland and Back to Fishkeeping

    Hello! I just got back into the hobby after a 5 year hiatus. I have kept fish on-and-off for years, generally keeping one or two tanks for 5 years or so, and then taking a few years off. My last one, from about 4 years ago, was an assortment of Africans and I had it up for about 3-4 years...
  18. danger_chicken

    Marmorkrebs ban in Maryland

    Marble crays have been added to the ban list in MD.
  19. cabinetmkr39

    Maryland Crabs

    Only Marylanders Would Understand.... The day after his wife disappeared in a boating accident, an Ocean City man answered his door to find two grim-faced Maryland State Troopers. "We're sorry Mr. Rice, but we have some information about your wife," said one trooper. "Tell me! Did you...
  20. FishInMaryland

    Another TERP!

    Hello! My name is Ruth and have finally discovered the world of African Cichlids! I can't believe I've found not only a Maryland-based forum/website, but a whole CLUB that meets about 5 minutes from where I grew up!! Ruth