
  1. zackcrack00

    WTB Marina Breeder Box Part

    Hey everyone. I seem to have misplaced one of the gray little bottom leveling pieces that hold the water in the large-sized breeder box and level it against the aquarium. Anybody have an extra? TIA! - Zack Sent from my iPhone using...
  2. Forester

    Marina hang on holding/breeding box: It works!!!

    Hey everyone i just put 3 different shipment of fish into the box and it works really well! It was easy to put together and it keeps the fish separated so i dont have to worry about dividing them in the morning. I rubberbanded some filter foam stuff around where the water comes in to stop the...
  3. Jmty

    aqua marina 360

    got one for sale new in box, make an offer or trade...
  4. Leffler817

    Marina Power Filters Slim S15

    I was cruising through Petsmart looking for sponges. I stumbled across a MARINA POWER FILTER SLIM S15 on clearance for $5.47! It is a HOB filter rated for 15 gallons. Here's the hook, it's only 2" (two inches) thick!!! It's powered by a AC 10 (or similar looking) power head that sits in the tank...