
  1. FishInMaryland

    May meeting-membership cards

    I'm sorry for the last minute notice, but I won't be at the meeting today. If you absolutely must have your membership card before the June meeting, PM me and I will mail it. Please don't reply to this thread because that's too hard to track. Be sure to provide your address and real name in the...
  2. Acpape0

    Buying membership mail card?

    Hello, Finally buying membership. There are a lot of people on here who are pretty helpful and have a lot of knowledge. I tried to make yesterday's meeting but was not possible. I really don't see me making any meetings in the near future either with that said can I get my membership card mailed...
  3. M

    Shipping fish via USPS Priority Mail 2 day

    I ve been doing some research on how to ship my africans from MD to CO and there really is no cheap way to do it. The airlines are costing me a fortune to check a box of fish that weighs more than 10 lbs. and even if its less than 10 it will still cost me $170+. I cant really ship through air...
  4. D

    Geophagus Altifrons Finally Arrived After Week in Mail

    I ordered 6 Geophagus Altifrons from Cichlid Connection on MFK last week and he shipped them on Tuesday. They somehow got lost in the mail so I had given up hope. When I got home yesterday their was a box on my porch though marked "Live Fish". I was expecting to open it up and find a bunch of...
  5. Diogenes

    Any other way to join CCA but snail mail?

    I'm ready to get down with the CCA. So what do I have to do? steal a car? take a beating? commit random acts of violence? do we have secret handshakes? wear a certain color? hehe j/k Seriously though, is there a paypal account or something I can pay my dues to, or will I have to find the...
  6. E

    Wanted - Mail Apisto Nijsseni...please!

    I am still looking (without much success) to acquire a male nijsseni to keep my femaile company. Also looking for another pair of something the Apistogramma genus. Saw some really pretty viejita at Scales but could not find a pair! Cacatuoide's are a bit too flashy for me, and...