
  1. Felipe Castellanos

    WTB: Longfin Albino Bristlenose Pleco

    I'm looking for a Longfin Albino BN Pleco Thanks, Felipe Castellanos
  2. Forester

    Longfin Super Reds- EGGS!

    One of my longfin super reds that I got in the spring from Angels Plus at 1 inch long has finally bred. I put one of the males in with two standard super red females and Saturday morning I found a cave full of eggs! Crossing my fingers that he's a good father. Here's a pic of the eggs.
  3. T

    WTB or Trade - Female Longfin ABN

    Hey, I'm looking for a female longfin ABN. WIll purchase or prefer a trade for a male ABN and a male BN. Anyone overstocked on the ladies? TIA - Joe