
  1. frankoq

    Can too much Prime kill a fish?

    I just lost my German Red. :sick0004: he was about 2.5 inches and starting to develop his colors. about 2 weeks ago, he started to be lethargic and others started beating him. Got fin damage so I moved it to a hospital 10g tank. barely ate for a few days, added salt. did 50% water change...
  2. J

    Trying to kill algae...

    How long should i soak rocks in a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water at 3 pints to 2.5 gallons? I am thinking four hours should be enough time... Thoughts?
  3. festaedan

    URGENT: does american olean tile have anything that may kill fish

    I bought a stingray that will be shipped here tommorow and I need to make sure these tiles are fish safe, the tiles are ceramic
  4. MonteSS

    Easy way to kill of fry?

    So the Nics spawned again and as much as I enjoy watching the parenting, I would like to destroy the babies now before thwy look like actual fish. Besides hand removing the fish, is there a procedure or chemical way to euphanize the babies without harming the adults? Thanks....Bill
  5. golsama

    US Army tried to kill my Dragon

    Since it was so beautiful outside today, I took my bearded dragon outside. We'd been outside for about 30 minutes. She was sitting in her usual spot on my shoulder when 2 US Army helicopters flew over our house. Penny, my dragon freaked. She dove off my shoulder and onto the ground and then took...
  6. rich_one

    So I Wanna Kill the Planaria...

    I am finally going to clean out and refill my 125 gallon tank so I can get fish in it. It has planria in it. I want to kill them. The fast way. It has a Fluval FX5 filter on it. So... How much clorox can I run through the system and for how long to kill the planaria. Or is that a totally...