
  1. Prince

    Anybody keeping Telmatochromis sp. "Orange Scribble"

    anybody keeping Telmatochromis sp. "Orange Scribble"?
  2. emartin

    Current Practical Fish Keeping Magazine Issue, two great articles on cichlids

    The current August issue (Issue 8 August '10) of Practical Fish Keeping magazine has some great articles in it. The one that caught my eye immediately was on the cover it mentioned an article by Heiko Bleher on Iranocichla hormuzensis. Then, after buying it, I found an awesome article on...
  3. golsama

    Shell Dwellers keeping Secrets from Me

    Apparently both my Multies and my Brevis Kavala enjoy keeping secrets from me. My last post about my Multies was to announce their first spawn. Well, I lied, lol. The babies from that spaw are still very tiny but growing. I recently discovered a much larger baby, who I would place at a couple...
  4. Pat Kelly

    What are you keeping

    Okay, I know we have done this thread before but its been a while (I think) and we have lots of new people. So what type of fish are you keeping.
  5. chris_todd

    Keeping multiple apistogramma species in the same tank

    So at Aquafest, my wife and I became enamored with the apistogrammas that the Orsos had, and we bought three pair - macmasteri, cacatuoides, and agassizzi. All three pairs went into a heavily planted 90g tank. Did we do a bad thing? Will these species cross-breed? Will they get aggressive with...
  6. chris_todd

    Keeping common plecos with cichlids

    Other than a few discus, some german blue rams, and a lone angelfish in our community tank, my wife and I are newbies to keeping cichlids. My wife has wanted to get a 55g-75g cichlid tank for a while (you know, all those pretty blue and yellow and purple fish :) ), and we may now have an...
  7. T

    tips on keeping plant alive?

    I have some question about my luck with plants. I have never has any luck keeping plants more than 1 month. Slowly , they all died....rooting away...what have I done wrong? They all slowly turn brownish, kind of rotting away and then die! I am using the CF lights. How long do I should have it...
  8. marge618

    Keeping Apistogrammas

    Is this a good plan for tankmates for apistos? Please comment. 20 Gallon tank THE FISH AND INVERTEBRATES The apistos: 1 pair apistogramma cacatoides GoLo/Orange (from Tony Orso) 1 pair Apistogramma Kra ... (The rest of name washed off the bag. These fish are almost twice as big as the...