I can bring to future CCA or PVAS meetings/events or you can pick up (Annandale, VA)
Julidochromis regani "Kipili" (1-3") => $5 ea
Neolamprologus pulcher (1-2") => $2 ea, (Adult) only 1 available =>$5
Dario dario (1/4-1/2") just starting to color up => $3 ea
Can bring small Julidochromis marlieri juvies to meeting tomorrow if anyone is interested. Free to a good home. I don't think I have any over 1" right now. Some are dark morphs.
Please let me know your experience with these two being tankmates. My Caudopuncatus were quite aggressive and I don't want the same episode.
55 Gallon tank, with 8 Utintas so far.
For Sale with delivery to Aquamania (Sunday table sale)
Breeding Colony Julidochromis regani Kipili Yellow. 6 adult Julidochromis regani Kipili Yellow. $50
There are two active pairs within these 6 fish.
Due to the nature of my tank setup, in order to remove the breeders I have to...
I am moving in another direction with my aquariums and I have a load of Julidochromis transcriptus "Bembe" available.
Fry to Juvenile for $2.00 each
Mated pair - $25
Pick up in Montgomery Village.
Email BizEcology@gmail.com if interested.
I have pair of julidochromis transcriptus currently that lay eggs once a month. everything is fine and the eggs hatch but none of the fry are making it. I was wondering what everyone else feeds their juli fry.
They are in a 20 gallon high, with a heater and a penguin 350. They have a...
I have a year-old female Julidochromis marlieri who had been thriving for the past 9 months I've had her, including breeding and producing many viable offspring. Lately I've seen her be chased by a smaller male juli until her mate kicks him out of the territory, but that started after her...
So I picked up some Julis from Christine at Aquafest and set up a tank when I got home. That sounds a little misleading, the tank has been running for about 9 years, I just switched up the decor and booted out the previous inhabitants. It is a 29g, which I think will likely be fine for now, I...
I have a pair of juvenile Julidochromis marlieri that are actively spawning in my 38gal tank that also has 1m/3f Lamprologus brevis and a handful of juvenile cyprichromis. The Julis are about 2" long, and the brevis are full grown. The juli's spawning cave is on the opposite side of the tank...
I have a group of 3 young adult Julidochromis Marlieri(Gombe), about 2-1/2" or so. These were part of a group of 7 I picked up and split into 2 groups because a pair had formed and become aggressive to the others. Of the three for sale, I think they are 2m/1f and suspect a pair has formed...
Can someone tell me what the best food for Julidochromis Transcriptus is?
I was going to offer them blood worms to condition them for breeding. Can this cause bloat? Is a diet of frozen live foood suitable?
Any advice is much appreciated.
I got a pair of Julidochromis maleri at the mini-auction on saturday.
I have them in a 30 breeder. What are some recommended tank mates?
Would a group(or pair) of Leleupi work?
Do they come out more with dither fish?