I have the following that I can bring to the next meeting. I am trying to make space. PM me if anyone is interested. Excuse me if I am not able to reply messages immediately.
Pseudotropheus acei (Yellow Tail) ~3 inches, nice color, 4$ each or Group of 6 for 20$
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi...
I only have a few Eureka Reds left. For delivery at next Saturdays meeting
They are 2.5 months old 1 - 1.5 inchs long and eating flake and sinking pellets
Here is a picture of the Dad
You can also see him breeding
PM me if your interested
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Hongi Island
Breeding Trio!
Breeding all of the time.
The male is STUNNING!
Grabbing a picture of him is impossible, so you will have to take my word.
Here is a pic of Dave Schumacher's breeder male...but my male is MUCH nicer looking and has beautiful finnage!!!
I have a bunch of these guys for sale that are between 1 and 2 inches. Some males are starting to show some good color already. Ill sell the males with color for $12 to non member and $10 to members. Ill sell the unsexed ones for $6 to non members and $5 to members. The males that are showing...