
  1. Sprattster07

    Hello from Iowa

    My boyfriend and I are starting a new community 55g tank and we want to do more uncommon cichlids. We already have a tank of Labs but want a little more difficulty. Our 55g tank set up is 2 AC110's with 2 200 watt heaters connected to a Ranco ETC for further control. We have tons of rock work...
  2. F

    Angelfish for sale- PU- Central City Iowa

    we need em gone to put the discus i have in there. Well we have 13 blue plats. angelfish they are breeding size and pretty. they eat alot. $5 each or $55 for all
  3. F

    WTB 20H - Iowa

    Im looking for a 20H for my angelfish pair in iowa n I need some for a resonable price... It'd be nice if u brought to me but if u close enough I might got get it.... PM me if u have any