
  1. Leffler817

    Heaters and Filter Questions

    Has anyone ever used RENA SMART HEATERS in your tanks? The LFS is clearing them out (cheap) and I don't need a heater, but WTF another heater is the start to another tank setup. :rolleyes: Any experiences and or info about them would be helpful. Also, they have under gravel filters for...
  2. bschuhart


    A month ago I burned up another Stealth Heater (old style, not the new one with the cool green/red LED) when I forgot to unplug it when doing a water change. So I decided to call Marineland and spoke to the customer service person and explain what happened...she said "I didn't hear what you...
  3. rsanz

    In need of heaters.

    Hey all, Do any of you have any spare 50, 75, or 100 watt heaters? I need 2 or 3 heaters (in working order, of course). I will be at the holiday party and would love it, if you have a heater or two, if you could bring it to the party. Submersible is prefered. I can offer some cash, maybe...
  4. D

    Stealth Heaters and fish

    200watt stealth (still in original package, never been opened) $30 obo 250watt stealth (used for 2 months, works awesome.) $30 obo Paratilapia Polleni (~2 inches) $10 Texas Cichlids (~2 inches, beat up from polleni, still eating) both 4 $10 Live in Harford County Maryland. Willing to meet in...
  5. D

    Does everyone unplug heaters in summer?

    I've always kept everything but frontosa 78-82 I keep the ac around 75 wow. this will really help with the lectric bill also outside temp range in summer I have racks in the breezeway, doubt it will get too hot for SA night temps an issue? Please add comments. opinions I'm always a little leary...
  6. F

    Tanks, filters, heater, fish etc for sale

    I have the following tanks for sale. You can contact us at fishmeds@gmail.com Thanks! -Perfecto 29 gallon in Oak: comes with tank, oak stand, brand new Perfeto top and fluorescent light-for this 80 OBO -with the above and like new Penguin 150 or 200 filter, NIB Rena SmartHeater 30 lbs premium...
  7. okimavich

    Jalli Titanium Heaters

    It seems that my 500W Jalli heater burned out and http://www.thatfishplace.com no longer carries them. I would like to get a replacement as the controller unit is still good. Anyone know where I can get another unit? Thanks. :unsure: