
  1. Jmoore

    Has anyone ever heard of an aquarium this size?

    I have been planning on selling some of my fish tanks to buy one large tank. Is the such thing as a 48" long 36" wide and 16-24" tall tank? Is there anywhere around here that makes tanks? Thanks, Johnny Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  2. Jefft

    Has anyone heard???

    I was just watching CNN and a headline news flash came across the little ticker tape the run at the bottom of the screen. "Controversy over oil drilling in Lake Malawi." Anyone heard anything or aware of this?
  3. Prince

    Anybody heard from Bill?

    Anybody heard from Bill? Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  4. Cichlidfever

    Have anybody heard of?

    Cichlasoma Macracanthus... It is in the book called, "Cichlids from Central America." The male in the book is a bluewish grey color and really looks good. I never hear anybody talk about this cichlid. Anybody no why no pictures on this cichlid and no post?
  5. minifoot77

    you heard of the green room this is my green tank...

    thank you mike thank you
  6. hollyfish2000

    Heard of 'classic oak' aquariums?

    Anyone ever heard of these?? I'm looking at one to possibly buy. It's a nice size and looks good (from pics) but is pricey. It's supposedly solid oak as opposed to particle board and is supposed to be very "high end." But I can't find out much about it online . . .
  7. mscichlid

    Oliver Lucanus - have you heard?

    http://www.amazon-below-water.com/index.php Video clips: The discus and severum swimming together! Crenicichla mamorata with fry!