Has anyone tried this: http://www.brineshrimpdirect.com/c9/Hatchery-Dish-p183.html ?
Does it actually work, and how much output could one expect from it?
How long do Ram eggs typically take to hatch?
I have a couple bristlenose plecos in the tank. Should they be removed? I removed the Mollies in the tank, but wasn't sure if it is worth tearing the tank apart to remove the plecos.
Ok, here's the situation. My pair of Rotkiel Severums have laid eggs at least once a month for the past 6 month and I have been completely unsuccessful in rearing the fry up to this point because of work, family, lack of tank space, and other commitments. Therefore, I was thinking maybe...
ok... so, I'm getting 20+ eggs in the mail this week. I have no idea how to hatch them and know NOTHING about killies :eek:.
The person that is sending them to me said I could tumble them, just like I would tang. mouth brooders.
Has anyone raised these guys up from eggs? I've wanted to keep...
I've relativly new at this but have have several successful spawns to quarter size batches.
My current batch is at day 7 from spawning a few are free swimming the rest are all stuck together is this typical? I've even tried to blow them apart (lightly) w/ a turkey baster and they still stick...