
  1. longstocking

    Dykemyster's Group Buy... August ECC

    This is the Group Buy that many have been waiting for. Friday, August 20th... We are looking into a delivery to Philly and into Baltimore Airports on Friday, August 20th. Erik says that shipping costs for each person will be kept to about $6 per person (unless you order more than one box...
  2. cmcpart0422

    FS Adult Pundamilia Nyererei Group

    I have to sell half my nyererei colony to make some room. For sale is 1 awesome male that shows full colors all the time and 6 females to keep him happy. They were sold to me as F1 but I dont know if that is true so im selling them as tank raised. They are a Red Mwanza variant and they breed...
  3. MarkK

    Daves rare aquarium fish group buy

    A group buy for Daves rare aquarium fish was mentioned at the end of todays meeting but I cannot find the thread on the forum, can someone point me in the right direction? Markk
  4. longstocking


    Looks like the second Saturday in June will be a group buy with Dave!!! I will be picking them up from BWI airport and I will bring them to the meeting for everyone :) 10% off for everyone in this order. Please call Dave to make the order. Make sure you tell him it's for the ECC group buy...
  5. T

    F/S adult group of Astatotilapia Latifasciata (Zebra Obliquiden)

    I've had these for some time, and want to free up the tank for growouts. I'm not certain but I think there's 2m/3f. One has an odd pattern (black tail), shows a little red on the belly, and tends to "argue" with the dominant male. $50 for the group, and I can bring them to the May meeting. I...
  6. msjinkzd

    Issue with the olive nerite group guy

    Apparently because of rain, the olive nerites could not be shipped this week to the guy who is the supplier for the group buy. Only about 200 are currently available. He said that he can ship what he has and then I can get teh rest for the next meeting, he can refund, or we can wait to get all...
  7. T

    Mystery Vic group for trade.... A comprecisseps preferred

    I have a group of 4 (2M/2M I believe) vics (I thought they were Astatotilapia latifasciata "Zebra Obliquidens") but I'm not sure any longer. I'd like to trade for a pair or a group of juvi a.compressiceps "gold head". They have held a few times but I have not seen any fry in the tank. I have...
  8. msjinkzd

    olive nerite group buy

    I will coordinate this. So far I have Danger_chicken: 15 f8lbite: 30 jonclark96:15 They should be around $1, might be less if we get more people. I can bring these to the Feb meeting. Shipping will be split between everyone. I will take the money for the snails and then can collect shipping at...
  9. Tony

    Frozen Food Group Order? Foster and Smith

    Thinking of stocking up on some frozen food.... it makes my fish happy. :) Drs. Foster and Smith has great prices, but there is a $24.99 flat charge for shipping. Anyone interested in going in on an order with me? 3 or 4 people would make shipping $6-$8 each, which pays for itself with one...
  10. longstocking

    Wild Proven Pair Gobies & Reganochromis Proven Group SOLD

    I have a wild pair I would like to sell.... Eretmodus blue spot. These are the southern variety... 45 dollars for the pair... SOLD they have bred before and produced fry. I have had them for a coupld of years. Just redoing some tanks.... Picture of actual fish or one their juvies... I...
  11. T

    Someone at CMAS organizing group buy Black ocellaris clown

    THought i want to share Please read and goto CMAS site if you are interested, under open discussion CMAS by WDLV Several of you have asked me about getting in black ocellaris clowns. If enough people are interested, I can bring in an order. The deal is that I can get them for $20/ea for...
  12. dogofwar

    Jeff rapps group order?

    Jeff rapps has some good stuff on his list right now. I'd like to get some panama convicts and sajicas. Shipping runs about $25 for a box. Anyone interested in splitting a shipment? Jeff's website is Matt
  13. longstocking


    :jumpy::jumpy::jumpy:For those of you not going to the OCA.... I have something for us :jumpy::jumpy::jumpy: Saturday, November 21st is ONE YEAR birthday and it is also the date that we have scheduled a Group Buy with Doug Conklins Pro Aqua, aka Reserve Stock Cichlids...
  14. dogofwar

    Aquaticclarity AND Fishfarm USA Group Buys - Thurs 10/29 Delivery

    This thread is to replace the previous Aquaticclarity group buy thread and to add...the opportunity to split shipping on an order from Ken Davis (Fishfarm USA) on the same day (Thursday 10/29). Here's the plan: I'll pick up the boxes (one from Jeff, one from Ken) at the USPS at around noon...
  15. D

    W/C Kampampa group

    8 w/c beta male is unrelated f1 proven breeders 9 fish total ranging from 8-12 inches 1200.00 meet or pick up
  16. Lively

    Social Group Edit Issue

    I made a group but didn't upload a pic for it, figured I'd do it this afternoon. When I went to the edit feature for the group, it wouldn't allow me to do the edit. This is the message I got: Lively, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several...
  17. DiscusnAfricans

    FS: Proven Breeding group Aulono. Baenschi

    I have a group (1M/4F) of "Yellow Regal" peacocks available for sale. All females are proven, and 1 is currently holding. The last 2 released between 15-20 babies each. The male is about 5" and the females are about 3-4" each. I need tank space for fry and would like to see the group go to a...
  18. longstocking

    Another Tang Group Buy !!!

    I will be placing another order with Tom's tangs in the near future. Just seeing how much interest there might be. It would be around June 1st. Anyone interested? Here is his site... Shipping will be 75 dollars.... but if we get enough people it won't be...
  19. fischfan13

    ECC Group Buy From DavesRareFish...

    Call the neighbors and wake the kids EastCoastCichlids is having a Group Buy From Dave's Rare Fish! The details... JUNE 13th Philly Airport and MacArthur Airport (Islip, LI) Orders will be taken immediately. Pay by Mastercard, Visa or Discover...please NO PAYPAL...
  20. DiscusnAfricans

    New to the group but not the hobby, Looking for female haps

    I have been an avid aquarist since a kid. I was given a 20 gallon kit on my 10th birthday and the passion has only grown since. I am now 27 and currently maintain a 120 gallon mixed African tank, a 90 gallon discus community tank, a 55 gallon breeder tank, and several fry/growout tanks. My...