
  1. rich_one

    Geos in the auction

    I bought a group of geos at the auction, but forgot which geos they are. Are they geophagus steindachneri? Does anyone remember, or maybe the person who put them in the auction can chime in? They are some awesome fish! Thanks! -Rich
  2. Avatar

    Threadfin Geos...

    ...a.k.a. Acarichthys heckelii - pretty nice fish. Picked up 8 from Jeff Rapp via/courtesy of Tony-san yesterday, and even at 1.5"- 2" they're already showing amazing color. This is going to be very good. As for the blue phantom plecos that came with them - wow. Under 2" and blue like you...
  3. Artee

    Wtb: Geos- Tapajos And Altifrons

    breeding pairs/groups preferred. I can buy or trade with tanganyikans(mobas, cyps, paracyps)