
  1. cabinetmkr39

    Fluorescent bulbs

    New Compact Fluor. 65 watt straight pin 21 in. 12000K 1 bulb New Compact Fluor. 65 watt straight pin 21 in. 6700K 2 bulbs New F18-T5 -BP Coralife Actinic 1 bulb. $5 each Can bring to next meeting...
  2. FishEggs

    T8 Fluorescent Lights Recalled

    Cooper Lighting by Eaton has recalled light fixtures under several different brand names. Here is the link to the details. :confused0068:
  3. DiscusnAfricans

    WTB: 65 watt Compact Fluorescent bulbs

    I have fixtures with both square pin and straight pin, would be interested in both. Preferably 6500K, but let me know what you have.
  4. Localzoo

    Bio fluorescent fish

    So cool thing on discoverie's shark week on bio fluorescent sharks made me look into a little deeper and found this article, also learn that this is different that bio luminescence... http://www.amnh.org/explore/news-blogs/research-posts/researchers-reveal-covert-world-of-fish-biofluorescence...
  5. spazmattik

    72" compact fluorescent

    Coralife 72" ballast w/ lights. Looks similar to this model .. http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_viewitem.aspx?idproduct=ES08604&child=ES08607&utm_source=adwordsfroogle&utm_medium=cse&utm_campaign=adwordsfroogle&utm_content=ES08607&gclid=CMOvs8qxwsUCFVUSHwodZJQAfw Note* legs broke during move and...
  6. Tony

    Fixing Fluorescent Fixtures?

    Anyone have any experience fixing fluorescent fixtures? I have 2 48" double T8 fixtures (I think that they're T8 - definitely not T5 and probably too new to be T12) where only one of the two slots/sockets(?) for bulbs works. You can get the other one to turn on by taking the functioning one...
  7. bschuhart

    36" T12 fluorescent ?

    Does anyone have 2 - 36" T`12 freshwater, any kind of bulbs they could donate for the 150 Gallon at my school? One burnt out this week and the other is going bad. I'll be at the meeting on Saturday. Below: Pat and David donate Malawi Cichlids for the tank.
  8. L

    Group Order: Compact Fluorescent Bulbs

    I have offered to put together a group order of Compact Fluorescent bulbs across GWAPA/PVAS/CCA as there was some interest expressed on PVAS forum and I put together the last group order that GWAPA participated in. I will post the details of the bulbs and spectrums available as soon as I have...