
  1. Tony

    Hair algae and Flourish Excel

    Hey all, Have been battling an outbreak of hair algae in the tank at work for a little while now. Reduced the lighting duration greatly, been manually removing and upping the water changes, but it still persists. Picked up some Flourish Excel the other day and plan on dosing that. I dosed...
  2. FishInMaryland

    Free: Seachem Flourish products

    I gave up on plants 4-5 years ago, and have an abundance of chemicals that I don't need. According to a Seachem rep on Aquatic Plant Central (http://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/forumapc/seachem/34701-product-shelf-life.html), the shelf life of these products should fall in the 4-10 year range...
  3. Prince

    Anybody using DIY Flourish Excell

    Anybody using DIY Flourish Excel aka 2.5% GLUTARALDEHYDE SOLUTION?