
  1. R

    WTB Psuedotropheus flavus

    Looking for Psuedotropheus flavus, preferably male. But juveniles are good too. - Reuben
  2. Rasta Fish

    Pseudotropheus Flavus !!!!

    Got about 20 babies from my Pseudotropheus Flavus this morning Not the father in the pic but he look like this guy :jumping0045:
  3. Wblaze

    Ps. Flavus

    Anyone keeping Flavus that would sell or trade some Really want 2 of them but do not need enough for a mail order.
  4. C

    38 boulder and 75 malawi dishwasher

    have had this 38 (36"x12"x21") set up for about 2 months now...it's stocked w some ps demasoni ps flavus and an albino bristlenose...used random boulders found at a local landscaping place...they had actually broken in half so the bottom of all the base rocks are basically flat which helps...
  5. D

    yellow tail acei and p flavus fry

    Just stripped 2 females I should have lots of acei for the auction in sept plus some super red empress and some flavus