
  1. E

    Plumbing fitting needed... Washington/Maryland area

    Ok.. so I have been trying to plumb this 180 acrylic. So far, I have the (5) bulkheads, strainers, and in-tank piping for returns and supply lines. Now I need the adapter to go from the threaded bulkhead/pipe to the hoses for my canisters. Is there any place that I can buy reef plumbing...
  2. C

    Where to buy this fitting

    The overflows on my 125 have managed to suck down 4 cardinal tetras this week. I would like to buy some more but would like to address this issue first. My overflows are straight cut 1" pvc pipes (yes its loud no i don't care its in the basement) I would like to put a strainer on them. I don't...