
  1. H

    Dragon blood females

    Does anybody have any Dragonblood females?
  2. hollyfish2000

    Free FEmale Bearded Dragon with cage

    Not mine! If you're interested, PM me and I'll get you in contact with the owner.
  3. T

    SF Adult male green dragon bristle nose

    $10 can bring to meeting today. Will be there at 2. If interested and at today's meeting drop a response inline here. Also have a female short fin calico. $5 Sorry no photos
  4. T

    WTT / WTB: Female Green Dragon Pleco

    Anyone have a spare female green dragon? I have a trio of males and I'm tired of the bachelor party.
  5. rich_one

    FS: Bearded Dragon plus Habitat

    I have an adult bearded dragon. I have no idea of it's age. We acquired it as an adult male, but I don't know much about them, so I am just taking that as truth from it's previous owner. Everything that is included in this offer: Bearded dragon Glass cage habitat w/ screen top Dual bulb heat...
  6. Localzoo

    T-reef male dragon bloods

    Sub Dom male treef banished to penalty box with other misbehsving males. he is in 4-4.5" range $20 obo Open to trades Or for female treef to introduce new blood line. 2x 3" dragon bloods make me an offer [/URL][/IMG][/URL][/IMG][/URL][/IMG] Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  7. Cbaker

    Dragon Blood Peacock and Blue Dolphin Juvies

    Hello, I have for sale a beautful dragon Blood 5.5" Came from Craig's Stock $25 I also have some nice blue dolpin juvies close to 2" some are about 2" 6 for $20. I have only 12 left. They are health and eating 12mm NLS pellets. Picture is of the Dad. Please PM if interested. Thanks.
  8. C

    red dragon flowerhorns

    I have 1 nice male and 2 red dragon females . The male is about 8 to 10 inches 1 of the females are 7 to 8 inches the other one is about 5 inches.if interested I can send pics asking 200 or bo not on here often so text or call 4439253106
  9. A

    Dragon blood

    Decided to keep one for now.. Letting go of this beauty..from Rastafish (Craig) 4.25" $20 Sent from my XT1060 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  10. MIA

    Dragon, Bucco, Champs, etc growing nicely

    Been a long time... Have some really nice fish growing out :D
  11. C

    red dragon flowerhorns

    I have a group of adults and a few that are 4 to 5 inches
  12. Cbaker

    Looking for Dragon Blood Peacocks

    Hello, Does anyone have any dragon blood peacocks for sale? Thanks.
  13. J

    Green Dragon Bristlenose Pleco

    I know I've posted in search of some Pleco's, but think I want some Green Dragon Bristlenose with second choice being starlight or the yellow looking albino type. Anyone have the Green Dragon's by chance?
  14. T

    How long should I quarantine my dragon fish from my other tank?

    I went out and bought a dragon fish from wal-mart and was wondering how long I should quarantine it from my other fish before introducing it into the tank? Can I tell if the fish has a disease immediately or not? I do know a lot about this fish and know how big it can get so I don't want no...
  15. golsama

    Dragon Photos (as requested) : )

    Penny the day I got her in 2008. Penny on my hand (2008) Penny "in" my hand today Penny today (She ate strawberries earlier, hence the red on her face, lol) Penny wearing her harness.
  16. golsama

    US Army tried to kill my Dragon

    Since it was so beautiful outside today, I took my bearded dragon outside. We'd been outside for about 30 minutes. She was sitting in her usual spot on my shoulder when 2 US Army helicopters flew over our house. Penny, my dragon freaked. She dove off my shoulder and onto the ground and then took...
  17. golsama

    Dragon meets Cichlid

    I had my bearded dragon, Penny running around in my room and she discovered my Jack Dempsey. I was lucky enough to get a video of the encounter and thought I'd share with you guys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqalezCswHw
  18. Artee

    Bearded Dragon

    I am giving him away for free but you have to buy the 55 gal tank/stand/screen w/feeding dish, lights, driftwood, heated rock. $75