
  1. ErnieG

    20gallon dirted tank

    I had to redo 2 of my planted tanks because one had flourite substrate and I didn't want that anymore so of course I switched to dirt lol. The plants you see are blyxa japonica, ludgwigia repens, water sprite, and guppy grass that I picked up from my local pond. I also have wild guppies so if...
  2. ErnieG

    Dirted tank continues

    My 5th dirted tank that happens to be a 55 gallon, I'm very excited about this one. I just finished this baby 2min ago and now I'm looking for plants lol, tell what u guys think.
  3. ErnieG

    Dirted aquarium growth

    These are pics of my dirted tanks except for the 55gallon dirted tank because I need to clean it, went to pvas today and picked up some guppies, angelfish, breeding pair of apisto peba, bushy nose, java moss, and snails. Me and my buddy Eugene had a ball trying to out bid each other lol, hope...
  4. ErnieG

    Dirted 10 gallon

    This tank is not done being planted but I thought I would just show it off, tell me what you guys think.
  5. ErnieG

    Newly dirted 20h

    Newly dirted 20 gallon that has organic soil capped with pool filtered sand, I just planted this tank 10min ago. Tell me what you guys think(Becca)lol, I figured you may like this one.
  6. ErnieG

    Dirted 55 gallon: Before & After

    A few shots of my dirted 55 gallon tank that I setup on December 28, 2013. So I will show a pic of the tank first setup and what it looks like now, hope you guys enjoy.
  7. ErnieG

    Dirted 10 gallon

    What you see here is my daughter's 10gallon dirted tank, I want to give a big thanks to Jen Williams for basically giving me plants so I could make this happen. Thanks for looking and hope you guys enjoy. Any suggestions for this setup?
  8. ErnieG

    Dirted 55 and 20 gallon

    Tell me what you guys think of my 55 gallon dirted tank and what to expect in the first few weeks. I did a new 20 gallon as well.