
  1. jonclark96

    Quarantine Tank Dilemma

    So, I picked up some new fish a couple of weeks ago and luckily added them to a quarantine tank to keep an eye on them before putting into established tanks. Low and behold, the fish developed ich and I treated with copper and elevated temps. Unfortunately, the treatment was not sufficient and...
  2. npbarca

    College dilemma

    Well, senior year is already halfway over. Thankfully, I have been accepted to Duke University and plan on studying environmental science (and do some stuff with cichlids). However, that brings my dilemma. I have 14 tanks, and I know my brother and parents aren't into it as much as I am, and I...
  3. JohnAddis

    Planted Tank Dilemma

    For my planted 20 long, I'm thinking a group of about 12 harlequin rasboras, rcs, a couple nerites, and some dwarf cories. Maybe a pair of dwarf gouramis if there's room. I'm taking it slow. I added 3 rasboras last week and they're doing great. I've been working on the tank for about 3 weeks...
  4. Avatar


    So I've got 200+ eggs from Tonya(& Caleb)'s prize angelfish (the one in her avatar), about 50 Krobei fry, a couple dozen Nannacara Aurocephalus fry and a couple clouds of newly hatched Apistos. Ordinarily this would be sort of fabulous except I'm leaving for India on Thursday and I know what...