
  1. DiscusnAfricans

    FS: Placidochromis sp. 'Deep Water Hap' Pair

    I have a large pair of Deep Water Hap african cichlids available for sale. Male is about 6", female is probably 5". Female has held before, but no recent spawning, I think she needs a break from the constant attention and could use some female friends. Pair is currently in a 40 breeder...
  2. Hawkman2000

    Deep Blue Led repair

    I accidentally plugged a couple of my Deep Blue Micros into the wrong psu and burned them out. I would like to replace the leds in them. I have already tried contacting Deep Blue and they said they don't have any replacement leds because they are assembled overseas. They also refused to give me...
  3. mchambers

    FS: 48" Dual T-5 Deep Blue

    Several years old, but working well. The two bulbs in it were replaced less than two months ago. Asking $50. (I just bought an LED fixture for the tank.) Same fixture is currently on sale at Kens at $69.95, but he's out of stock. It's regularly $92.95...
  4. rich_one

    Deep Blue replacement bulbs

    Anybody know where I can get replacement bulbs for Deep Blue's Solarmax HE light fixture? Or will any brand NO T5 do? Looking for a 48" 10,000k sunlight bulb, and a 48" actinic bulb. Thanks! -Rich
  5. cichlidaddicted

    Deep water halp.

    Anyone have any thoughts on the gender of this placidochromis electra? He is about 3-3.5 inches. His fin structure suggests male however is color suggests female. He does have some green showing on his face and some light purple on his body. I have never kept them before so I'm not sure about...
  6. Becca

    WTS/T: Deep Blue Betta tank with dividers I have one of these - 2 dividers plus glass lid - used for about 6 months. Great for bettas - I housed shrimp in it. Make an offer - sale or...
  7. H

    FS/FT Metriclima Msobo 'Magunga Deep' TRIO

    I have one adult TRIO of Msobo 'Magunga Deep' that I'll willing to trade or sell. The male has not been a dominant male, but now that he has been removed from the breeding colony and living with two females he should develop the electric blue that Magunga Deep are loved for. This is a one time...
  8. H


    I need to thin out some of my breeding colony of 5 males and six females, so I have some gorgeous Met. Msobo 'Magunga Deep' for sale. Breeder pair, $30. Breeder trio $45 or a breeding colony of 3 males and five females for $125. Also have one small batch of 7, one inch juvies for $50. Shipping...
  9. londonloco

    Deep Blue Light Fixture

    I'm thinking about ordering one of these: 2 x 28W T5NO, bulbs included, with moonlights. This fixture will go on a 75g lightly planted with low light plants Malawi tank. Anyone...
  10. H

    FT Met. Msobo 'Magunga Deep'

    Gauging interest to see if anyone is willing to trade. I have a FO proven colony of Metriclimia Msobo 'Magunda Deep'. 6m-5f. about 3". Three males are absolutely stunning. I am willing to part with one dominant (show) male as a pair, trio, up to two pairs. I also have 7 one inch F1, and seven...
  11. verbal

    Deep Blue High Efficiency Replacement bulbs

    I bought a Deep Blue SolarMax High Efficiency 30" light strip. Does anyone sell replacement bulbs? Is High Efficiency just a fancy name for normal output?
  12. bschuhart

    12 ft x 13 ft x 7 ft deep aquarium in basement w/ open top view from floor above.

    50,000 gallons and then there's the "smaller" saltwater tank! lol
  13. Spine

    65 gallon (Deep Blue Brand) - $80

    This is not my tank. $80 for the tank, it's located at Tropical Lagoon in Silver Spring 301 585-6562. Tank was bought in August and was very well taken care of( clean/no scratches).The owner just drained it and brought it in.Come grab it a new tank would cost $150:D
  14. emartin

    New fish species found 4.5miles deep below ocean surface

    Thought I'd share this...
  15. G

    Deep water Haps

    Hi Everyone,Could anyone give me some help...Please. Ive just been given 4 juvenile deep-water haps,( Placidochromis electra ) & ive pit them in my 6ftx24x24 mbunu cichlid tank.They seem to be o.k with the Mbunus,but i don't know much about these beutiful fish.How big do they grow ?...How fast...
  16. Tony

    How Deep is the Deepwater Horizon Leak?

    Cool graphic that Maria sent me about just how deep the Deepwater Horizon Leak really is....
  17. neoprodigy

    Deep Fried Cheeseburger On A Stick
