
  1. MarkK

    FS Neolamprologus Cylindricus Breeding Colony

    For Sale, Neolamprologus Cylindricus Breeding Colony. Price: You choose, either $50 with 3 ceramic breeding caves that the fish are currently spawning into or $20 without the caves. Included in sale: 4 Adult fish, I believe three females and one male. Optional: three Ceramic caves, may...
  2. MarkK

    FS Neolamprologus Cylindricus Breeding Colony

    FS Neolamprologus Cylindricus Breeding Colony (without ceramic caves) For Sale, Neolamprologus Cylindricus Breeding Colony. Price $20. What do you get for $20? Included in sale: 4 Adult fish, I believe three females and one male. This is the same colony I am...
  3. MarkK

    FS Neolamprologus Cylindricus Breeding Colony

    For Sale, Neolamprologus Cylindricus Breeding Colony. Price $50. What do you get for $50? Included in sale: 4 Adult fish, I believe three females and one male. Several Ceramic caves, may have fry or eggs in them, or may not. These fish have spawned numerous times and have produced several...
  4. turfboss

    WTB - Neolamprologus Cylindricus Female

    Bought the breeding pair on the CCA Auction last Saturday but the female did not make it home - male is fine and needing a mate - I know a couple of you have juvies but hoping someone may have an Adult - if so please PM me.
  5. MarkK

    FS Tanganykians

    For sale, Tanganykian Cichlids: Neolamprologus Cylindricus unsexed juveniles. 1.5" $3 each. Julidichromis Transcriptus "Gombi" unsexed juveniles 1" $3 each Julidochromis ornatus "Congo" unsexed juveniles 1.5" $3 each Can bring to June CCA meeting or arrange to meet. IM me or email...