
  1. Tangcollector

    Aquarium cleaner

    OK, so a while back someone asked about cleaning an old aquarium with salt and minerals on it. As with others I recommended soaking the salt and using a razor blade. Some recommended acid. Well as I use large airstones and cichlid buffer and salts in my tank, my glass tops get real nasty and...
  2. Howie

    Eheim Quick Vac Pro Gravel Cleaner

    After doing the python and bucket routine, I decided to try a new toy, the Eheim Quick Vac Pro. After seeing a bunch of Amazon reviews and YouTube videos, I bought one. I received it yesterday from Drs. Foster and Smith, which had the best price at $49.99 and free shipping. It was easy to...
  3. M

    Python 50' Aquarium Cleaner $40 PA PU only- possible shipping

    I have a 50' Python siphon with some extra parts still in bags. I am asking $40 for it. I set up a water change system, so I no longer need this.
  4. P

    25ft Python Gravel cleaner

    I have a 25ft python gravel cleaner unopened. Only asking $20.
  5. marge618

    Bn Plecos - The Algae Cleaner For Any Setup?

    Well, the topic title and description pretty well sum up my question. I would like to hear from those of you who keep BN. (Could that be all of you?) From what I have heard these algae vacuums might fare well in SA, CA, and African tanks. Which variety do you keep? How many in a tank? How...