
  1. CichlidsRock


    My 7 year old son is totally fixated on buying a male and a few female Champsochromis. We'll be at the September 12th meeting. Thanks for any leads you can give us.
  2. Tony

    FS: Bucco spectabilis & Female Champso

    For sale, available for delivery to the meeting on Saturday: Male Buccochromis spectabilis 7"+ - Nice color, small black spot on dorsal (been there since it was a juvenile) ($30) Female Champsochromis caeruleus 6"+ - a bit banged up, but healthy ($20) I couldn't get good shots of the Champso...
  3. MIA

    Downsizing... These big guys have to go

    Well... time to downsize a bit. Hate to give these guys (and their mates) up but at least have 16 champs 3-5 in and about 90 Fosso fry/juvies :D
  4. MIA

    Dragon, Bucco, Champs, etc growing nicely

    Been a long time... Have some really nice fish growing out :D
  5. MIA

    Finally!! champsochromis caeruleus and Buccochromis Rhoadesii :))))

    :D So.... after around two years got these guys.
  6. F8LBITE

    Champsochromis Caereleus *vid*

    Made this video of one of my favorite fish. He has exploded in size in the past 3 months Ive had him. His fins are also growing red with trailers on the tips. He's the most aggressive eater Ive ever had and attacks food so hard! I think he's kinda cramped in this tank and if anyone has a tank...