
  1. livingwatersaquarium

    40 Gallon breeder for sale

    I have a 40 Gallon breeder for sale. No leaks, holds water, not drilled. This is tank only in great condition. Only $30 Thanks, Gerard
  2. L

    Want: Larger Male Pair Breeder African Cichlids

    I'm looking for some larger male pair breeding African cichlids. Preferably greater than 6". Please let me know price as well. Take care and God bless!!! Juan
  3. phishphorphun

    Does This Mean I'm A Breeder???

    Aulonocara Maylandi are holding Pat!!! :o It's been so long since I had female peacocks, let alone them holding, I forgot how long it takes before they are ready to spit the fry. :wacko:
  4. Artee

    75 & 40 Breeder Tanks

    75 gal black trim AGA tank (brand New) w/aqualcear 110(slightly used) $ 135 40 breeder, drilled hole patched w/acrylic $ 22 each or 2for $ 40.
  5. J

    Wanted Two To Four 40 Gal Breeder Tanks

    Hit me up if you have any..... jeff