
  1. MDB_fish_newbie

    Rearrangement and boesemani added

    Just felt like sharing a few pics of new arrangement and additions of rainbows. Water is cloudy from stirring up the sand and water change. Everyone is hiding In the pics but Ive got; 75 gallon community tank: 2 geos 3 convicts 3 Clown loaches 5 boesemani rainbows Planning to get 5...
  2. T

    Free female Boesemani (Rainbow)

    5-7 female Boesemani about 2". Pickup at Potomac, MD. Close to I270 4B exit
  3. DiscusnAfricans

    Boesemani Rainbowfish

    Anyone have experience with these? If so, what is considered the minimum tank size, and what do they generally prefer to eat? Jeff Rapps ( has some on his stock list, and I was considering ordering some since he can bring prepaid orders to Aquamania. I know I...
  4. danger_chicken

    WTB: boesemani rainbows

    I'm looking for 2-4 boesemani's over 2"