
  1. Tannin Aquatics

    The incredible sensory experience of "blackwater..."

    We've talked a lot about what exactly "blackwater" is, and many of you probably have better-than-average working knowledge of the stuff by now, right? We've talked about many of the chemical parameters, husbandry requirements, potential downsides, challenges, and precautions for maintaining...
  2. Tannin Aquatics

    Back in Black(water)- a sort of "homecoming..."

    Isn't it always nice to return to something that you know, love, and enjoy? Don't get me wrong- journeys to strange and new places are awesome; however, there is indeed some sort of "comfort" in returning to the familiar...even if that "familiar" may be considered "out there" by many others...
  3. Tannin Aquatics

    The "dark side" of blackwater?

    With blackwater type aquariums gaining in popularity, and the use of a wider variety of natural aquascaping materials becoming more common, we're seeing a lot more experimentation, a lot more interest, and an increase in the "body of knowledge" available to those who choose to embark on journeys...
  4. Jonathan August

    Best algae eater for 29 gal. Blackwater tank

    I was looking for a small (under5 in.) algae eater for my show tank, as my plants haven't started fighting for nutrients yet:mad:. I'm leaning to oto cats,bushy nose, or rubber lip. Thanks, Jonathan:angel2: