
  1. D

    Basic lid/light for 75g and 55g

    Does anyone happen to have a basic lid/light for a 75g and 55g tank they would be willing to part with? I already have 1 48" basic light that i'm using on plexiglass in the 75g, so really only need 1 light, but would like normal hoods for both
  2. aprill85

    Newbie has a basic question.

    Okay, this may be a stupid question to ya'll but I joined this forum to get some reliable answers so I'm gonna just go for it, haha. I put a new decoration in my aquarium about a month ago and it has white spots on this normal or do I need to alter something in my tank?? I've tried to...
  3. FishInMaryland

    Help with an electrical project?

    Anything electrical seems advanced to me, but I think this is pretty basic. Anybody out there who can help me, including providing drawings? First, are adapter and "transformer" synonymous? I use them interchangeably, but am not sure. "Wall wart" is the best term I've seen. I have a train...
  4. Lively

    Basic Questions re: Africans

    So, back in May hubby bought some Africans - had a few losses due to filter issues and this is the following stock list: 4 Yellow Tail Acei 2 Labs 4 Cherry Red Zebra (from may auction) They mainly graze on the algae I provide for them from a different tank supplimented by flake and the...