
  1. AquaStudent

    Aquastudent's 135g Aquarium

    Hello CCA. I've finally gotten a monster tank (monster for me at least). It's a 135g measuring 6'x18"x24". I'm currently in the middle of a roommate swap. We'll have that sorted by the end of the week. Projects on the list are 1) Cleaning the tank 2) Re-silicone 3) Clean stand -...
  2. jonclark96

    Happy Birthday Aquastudent!

    Hope you have a great B-Day, Tony.
  3. AquaStudent

    AquaStudent's DIY LED Build for 29g Planted

    Last year a bunch of my friends on youtube helped me win LEDGroupBuy's contest. The prize was $100 towards goodies over at the LEDGroupBuy's store. I have been trying to put together a plan for the prize but everything didn't seem fitting. Finally, I decided to upgrade my 10g to a 29g and...