
  1. P

    Bringing to the Aquafest Market

    For the second time, I will be holding down a table at the Aquafest Market. I'm planning on narrowing down my holdings to livebearers and mouthbrooding bettas. So I'm going to get rid of some killies and my Microctenopoma ansorgi, and will be selling some Nezzie swords, black bar endlers...
  2. ddavila06

    Post Aquafest Sale! Fish, plants, and aquariums and wood and stuff..

    hey everyone!, i couldnt make it to aquafest on time to bring stuff and all due to work but i know a bunch of you whom just got a new tank or three and or a new fish or three and might need to fill ur fishrooms more, so here: prices are non-member, member manzanita wood, 3 med/lg pieces...
  3. Frank Cowherd

    Results of Aquarium Beautiful Contest at AQUAFEST

    AQUAFEST AQUARIUM BEAUTIFUL CONTEST RESULTS The turnout for the contest was not too good. Perhaps the shutdown had an affect. Some others signed up and planned to come but had to move or had other things in their life that prevented them bringing a tank. Anyhow we had some really...
  4. A

    My aquafest edition

    A nice t.brauschi male I "stole" at the auction the minute I stepped in.. No one seemed to bid on I got it.. He's looking good and showing off! Sent from my XT1060 using MonsterAquariaNetwork App
  5. Jmty

    fish to aquafest

    williamsii north 7"+ $45 if interested pm and will send you a pic 6"+ $35 they both males. 6" presumed female $25. white lab 5"+ beautiful $35 male deliver to aquafest tomorrow or pick in Fairfax,va.
  6. Pat Kelly

    What's happening at Aquafest

    10 pm. Time for the spree on 3. Room checkin time
  7. Avatar

    Aquafest sale list – last chance – can deliver Saturday

    End of an era: Paraiba blue angels 4 adults (first spawn -10/13/2013) $80 Inca stone fish 1 adult male - free to someone who has other(s) Corydoras super arcuatus 11 adults of second largest Corydoras $300 Corydoras robustus 7 adults, largest member of genus Corydoras $200 Yellow...
  8. verbal

    AquaFest Room sales - Dave Sombach and Jesse T

    Room is TBD Here is Dave Sombach's list: Julidiochromis ornatus Congo Yellow $ 7.50 ea 4/$25 Julidiochromis transcriptus Bemba $7.50 ea 4/$25 Telmatochromis Brichardi $7.50 ea 4/$25 Neolamprologus...
  9. Avatar

    Special Aquafest deal - twin 40Bs, lights, rack, everything....

    One old-school (strong) 48" x 12" black steel stand that has full length pairs of 2' x 8" blonde unstained pine boards on top and bottom slotted to fit the stand so that they give full support underneath and on top for anything up to 18"+ front to back. Allows for a 40B AND a 5 or 10 gallon tank...
  10. JLW

    AquaFest Auction / Tag Sale Rules and Stuff

    Hey Folks, The AquaFest auctions are listed on MyGroupAuctions.Com. Please visit and logon. You must be affiliated with PVAS to see the AquaFest auctions, sorry CCA and GWAPA-ers. If you haven't, read the help files there. PLEASE note that you can add photos --...
  11. chriscoli

    Available at Aquafest

    These will be available during Aquafest: Astatotilapia latifasciata ~3.4" $2 each or 6 for $10 Rusties ~1" $2 each Neolamprologus brevis "Minutus" ~1" $2 each or 6 for $10 Mbipia lutea Crossbar ~2" $5 each Ancistrus sp. Pucallpa Gold $3 each L144 black-eyed plecos ~1" $8...
  12. verbal

    AquaFest Auction help

    Please respond on this thread or send me a PM on where you want to sign up. Here is a list of the needed slots: SET-UP / REGISTRATION: 7 AM - 10 AM SET-UP CREW 2 3 4 REGISTRATION DESK (8 AM - 12 Noon) 3 REGISTRATION DESK FOR STRAGGLERS (12 NOON - ??) 1 2 RUNNERS AM SHIFT (10 AM - 1230) 3 4...
  13. Frank Cowherd

    FS Black Banded Sunfish and Daphnia Delivery to Aquafest

    For sale and delivery to Aquafest 2013 ( ). Black Banded Sunfish $10 each These are native to the swamps of the east coast but becoming rarer in these swamps, and mostly it is illegal to collect them from these swamps. I have a permit from the state of...
  14. Pat Kelly

    Aquafest auction

    Time to get your auction items registered. I see 59 items so far. Not bad for a week out. Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  15. R

    AquaFest 2013 Stocklist

    I am very happy to announce that we are going to have tables at Aquafest this year. I am very excited for the event and looking forward to meeting more of you at the event so be sure to at least swing by our booth and say hey. With that being said here is what Ill have at the show with me...
  16. dogofwar

    Buying / Selling at Aquafest "Spree on Three" Room Sales Extravaganza?

    One of the highlights of the upcoming Aquafest ( is the Friday (Oct 18) night "Spree on Three" Room Sales Extravaganza. Basically, the entire 3rd floor of the hotel becomes a marketplace of fish people buying and selling fish, plants, supplies, equipment...whatever. If...
  17. dogofwar

    Going to Aquafest (Oct 18-20)?

    Aquafest ( is rapidly approaching (Oct 18-20). This event will feature four Speakers, an Aquascaping Demo (Iron Aquascaper), Aquarium Beautiful Contest, Top Name Vendors, and a Huge All-Day Auction on Sunday. All for $20!!! Are you going? Planning to demonstrate...
  18. S

    Fish Food Vendors at Aquafest

    Does Ken's Fish or Your fish dtuff have booths at Aquafest? What other fish food vendors would be there?
  19. Pat Kelly


    Register today! Aquafest2013 is a convention that is hosted by the 3 local clubs. PVAS, GWAPA, and CCA. October 18-20 2013 Speakers, raffles, vendors, and auction. Remember that this is Aquafest2013. Not AquaMania. One is a group effort between the local clubs. The...
  20. S

    Is there a Rare Fish Auction at Aquafest 2013

    Does anyone know if there is a rare fish auction at Aquafest 2013 like the one they have at the East Coast Monster Fish Konvention?