
  1. festaedan

    A few things left over from AM2

    Hey guys. I have a few fish that did not sell at AM2 that I need to find new homes. I also have some filters and other equiptment. I'd be happy to hold things 'til the next meeting. I'll trade for plants, new world cichlids, catfish, or driftwood. 1"-1.5"black bar endlers $2 for a trio...
  2. chriscoli

    How did the AM2 auction logistics go for you?

    I have another question for all of you that attended the AquaMania 2 Auction. Since we wanted to accept credit card payments, we had to change a few things around compared to how we've run the monthly club auctions in the past. We'd like to continue to use this format for our future club...
  3. D

    Doug's Table at AM2

    Wet/Dry filter $125 sump is 37"L x 11W x 12h overall with chambers is 16.75" tall 2 chambers measure 13.875"L x 10.25W x 10.375H each It was used 1 year while I was doing killifish. Has a crack above the water line on the back and is...
  4. Andrewtfw

    Prepping for AM2

    A couple weekends ago, Tony helped me get started on increasing my tank space in preparation for AM2 by helping me construct a new stand. A few coats of paint later, and it was ready to go.
  5. J

    WTB at AM2

    I would like to purchase an empty 29 gallon tank at aquamania it would be awesome if it has a hood and in decent shape but no biggie can always clean it up myself. Will greatly appreciate the savior I hope to find. Thank you
  6. thedavidzoo

    Fish pricing for AM2?

    This is my 2nd AM but my first time selling at the marketplace. I am having a hard time figuring out pricing for my various fish. They aren't common but kind of a niche market. So, is there a reasonable price somewhere between rock bottom CCA members auction prices, low Dave's fish prices, and...
  7. Forester

    Preparing for AM2

    All of my stuff has finally arrived and now I'm gonna start preparing. Sent from my iPod touch using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  8. Forester

    AM2 Marketplace pre-sale list

    Hi, This is a list of items that are for sale now and will be for sale at the AquaMania 2 Marketplace. My previous AM2 pre-sale list thread got too long and unorganized so this is a shorter one. If you are interested in anything that is for sale please contact me via Private Message (PM)...
  9. Andrewtfw

    Registration Table at AM2: Help Wanted

    This is a request for help running the Registration table at AM2. Thank you to Christine, Bruce, Becca and Matt Chambers who have contacted me directly to see how they can help out and ensure that all patrons have a great time. I will do my best to accommodate your schedule. Please PM me...