Looking for a pair of A. Agassizii...anyone got any??
Also looking for some plants for the tank they are going into...amazon swords, etc. i already have tons of java fern. Looking for plants that will go nicely with the Apistos and not require CO2. I do have decent lights (LED) so plants that...
Hey all I had an unfortunate death of one of my males in my breeding tank, I have now an extra agassizii double red and agassizii triple red female for sale. They are both about 2 in size, very healthy and fed spectrum pellet their entire lives. Keep in mind the females are not as colorful as...
Making some room for some new cichlids.
1 pair of red A. agassizii 12$
5 Coryadoras metae 5$ for the group
12 von rio flame tetras 10$ for the group
or make me an offer (but come on this is giving them away)
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