
  1. Pat Kelly

    Web Site Address Tannin Aquatics
  2. Pat Kelly

    I changed the email address again for POTM

    Okay, I changed it again. Hopefully this will be the last time. (we will see) Since we keep changing where you send the POTM entries, I came up with a better idea. Starting in April, all submissions will go to This way when we find a new person to run it, the email...
  3. J

    Cichlid Club of York Address

    There was an error in the original address I put out for the Cichlid Club of York. The correct address is 3844 Kings Lane, Dover, PA. The first meeting is this Saturday 1/12/2013 at 12:00 noon. Directions are available on my web site on the club meetings page accessible from the list at the...
  4. Pat Kelly

    Web Site Address - Daves Rare Aquarium Fish

    Web address
  5. Pat Kelly

    Update your email address!

    If you have changed your personal email recently please make sure your email address is up to date in your UserCP. I have been getting a ton of bounces from that last PM I sent out. A lot are from our regulars.
  6. Pat Kelly

    Web address for
  7. Pat Kelly

    Web Site address - House of Tropicals
  8. Pat Kelly

    Web Address for Cichlids Are Special
  9. Pat Kelly

    Web Site Address Invertebrates by Msjinkzd

    Web address for Invertebrates by Msjinkzd
  10. Sonny Disposition

    How Do I Change My Forum E-mail Address?

    Hi all. I'm switching Internet service providers. How do I get into my preferences and change my E-mail address? Thanks. Bob