
  1. zackcrack00

    29-Gallon, Fish Acting Odd

    Hey guys. Today I noticed the fish in my 29-gallon show tank are all acting weird. They are allay the bottom and the Pelvicachromis signatus aren't nipping any of the fish or anything. Stock: 1x Spiny peacock eel (in tank for a long time, about 8 months) 1x yellow-finned spiny eel (added last...
  2. men_arell

    My Kenyi Cichlid or Metriaclima lombardoi is acting weird, help!

    I have a Mbuna tank with 1 male and 3 female kenyi, 1 male 3 female Chipokae, and 1 male and 1 female scolofi. Recently one of the female kenyi stopped eating. It likes to hang on the top of the tank without hiding. Her colors are getting paler. All the other fish are doing well. They all eat...
  3. B

    Jack Dempsey Acting Strange

    I added 2 fish to my tank today and plan on adding a few more on Wednesday and now my jack is hiding behind the filter and kinda just chilling there will he be okay? Anything I can do to help him out? Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  4. chriscoli

    When your Julies are acting odd....

    When the Julies are acting odd, it's worth checking out what they're up to. Several have been hanging out around one particular cichlid I got out the flashlight and found out what they'd been up to! I'll be moving them into a breeder box tomorrow!
  5. emartin

    Mel Gibson's acting career comeback

    I think Mel has oscar potential in this upcoming film :) :lol: DOSOWNS3jts I still can't figure out if it's supposed to be a comedy, drama, or what....LOL
  6. J

    Discus acting funny! Help

    Hello my discus this morning all of the sudden started to act funny swimming close to the bottom with its head pointing to the rocks with its tail fin going back and forth to the left and right? There was 3 big discus but lately the bigger one had been picking on the other one and the smaller...