
  1. hollyfish2000

    OMG! Baby ABNs!!!

    I thought my albino long-finned male was fanning something in his little pleco cave, but even with a flashlight I wasn't able to see anything. Then, this morning, baby plecos on the glass!!!!!! They look long-finned. There is a very mature long-finned female in the tank who is twice as long as...
  2. Charlutz

    FS buescheri Zaire gold and julie transcriptus bemba, ABNs and valisnaria

    Can deliver to meeting or available for pickup in Columbia, MD. Neolamprologous buescheri Zaire gold. 3/4-1" in length. It's the fish in my avatar. $12 each or for CCA members - $10 each. Julidochromis transcriptus kissi bemba. 3/4" in length. $7 each or for CCA members - $6 each...