
  1. mdlnewman

    65g Tall w/stand

    65g tall tank and wood stand. $200 obo Glen Burnie Micheal 443-942-1208
  2. MonAndrew77

    WTB 65g or 50g Aquarium Tank

    Fish Friends, Looking for a used 65g (36" x 18" x 24") I could live with a 50g (36" x 18" x 19") which is the same footprint but I really want the 65g. Anyone? I need a bigger quarantine tank FAST FAST FAST. :( -MonAndrew
  3. E

    65G tank, stand, Texas holey rock, crushed coral, light, python water changer

    Lots of extras included in this package: 65G Tank Steel stand 2 Filters, one small, one larger that was on this tank. Light Glass tops ~50 lbs. Crushed coral ~50 lbs. Mixed Texas Holey Rock, Tuffa, and misc. Air pump and stones Heater Home made Python water changer that hooks up to...
  4. bschuhart

    New 65g SA tank

    This is a picture of my new set up featuring fish, plants and wood I picked up at the September CCA meeting. The wood is still floating, so it's not placed exactly where I want. Gold Pearlscale Angels Phillipine Blue Angels Red Severum Gold Laser Cory's Whiptail Placo cats Ambula 2 different...
  5. bschuhart

    65g set up ideas

    I have an empty 65g, what should I put in it? It has a XP3 filter and a 36" Marineland Reef Ready LED light and a Cora Life T5 double florescent. The tank was treated with copper at one time. I don't know how much the silicon retains copper.
  6. bschuhart

    CL sighting - 65g, w/stand and light $65.00

    NOT MY POST DON'T REPLY TO ME. A STEAL FOR $60.00 http://baltimore.craigslist.org/for/2394066785.html
  7. mdlnewman

    65G planted/discus

    Hey guy, Just bought my wife a 65G tank and she wants to set it up as a planted tank with some discus eventually. Where can I find a good planted/SA aquarium for Idiots book/website?
  8. chris_todd

    Suggestions for one species to add to our 65g Malawi tank

    A couple of months ago, we converted our 65g tank to a lake malawi tank, and picked up a bunch of mbuna from danger_chicken. We since added some cool melanochromis from sonny_disposition. This was our first dedicated cichlid tank. We've really enjoyed that tank, there's lots of activity and...
  9. chris_todd

    Newbie recommendations for 65g african tank

    Well, my wife and I would like to take the plunge and put together our first African cichlid tank. We have a 65g tank (36" x 18" x 25") with a Rena Filstar XP2 (we may need more filtration, we'll see). Our Baltimore City tap water is about pH 7.8, KH 4, GH 8-9, and about 10 ppm Nitrates. The...