
  1. Jmty

    15g. tanks

    2 for $25 been drilled rear top left side and covered with acrylic,pick up.
  2. JLW

    15-G Metaframe, Cracked

    Hey Guys, I'm putting a 15-gallon Metaframe tank out on the kerb along Kruhm road in Burtonsvillle, MD, right at the corner of Kruhm and Spencerville road. If anyone wants it, come get it. One side is cracked and needs replaced. Trash pick up is tomorrow morning. I'm binning...
  3. bschuhart

    Craigslist sighting, central system w/54 - 15g tanks

    Not my listing, DO NOT REPLY TO ME Complete, 54 tank central system includes everything. NICE http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/for/2014434567.html
  4. minifoot77

    wtb 15g, 20h, or a 40 breeder

    title says it all :) leakers welcome....