
  1. chriscoli

    June 13th - Chris Stith - Tanganyika Travels

    Hey everyone, our next speaker will be Chris Stith. He'll be presenting on his "Tanganyika Travels." Some of our younger club members may be interested in his perspective since he's been able to really immerse in the hobby at a young age. Here's a brief bio: Chris Stith is a college student...
  2. chriscoli

    June 13th speaker

    Chris Stith will be presenting on Tanganyika Travels!
  3. J

    October 13th Meeting

    I will be attending the October meeting with Greg Steeves. I hope to bring some of my Lake Victoria fish to auction as well. Anyone interested in fish from my web site can go there and choose the Local Pick up CCA option to have me bring your fish to this meeting saving you shipping cost. I...
  4. mscichlid

    CCA meeting November 13th @ 2pm

    Well, the last club meeting of the year is only 2 weeks away. That's right, November 13th at 2pm. Our speaker for that day will be our own Discus Hans. We will have our usual refreshments, raffles and of course, the "mini" auction. So come on out and have some fun with your fellow club...