
Become a Sponsor of CCA

There are many great reasons to become a sponsor of the Capital Cichlid Association. In addition to the benefits outlined below, your support helps sustain our non-profit organization, which is dedicated to advancing the aquarium hobby, educating the community, and hosting engaging events for fellow hobbyists.

By becoming a sponsor, you directly contribute to our ability to host monthly meetings, invite expert speakers, and fund a variety of fun and educational activities.

Sponsorship Tiers

We offer three levels of sponsorship, each providing increasing benefits:

Tier I Sponsor - $100+ Annual Donation

With a minimum donation of $100 in cash, goods (at wholesale value), or services to the club or a club-sponsored event, you receive:

  • Automatic CCA membership for the duration of your sponsorship, granting access to members-only forum sections and club activities.
  • The ability to post new and upcoming shipments of fish, plants, or other aquarium-related products for sale.
  • Your own subforum in the CCA Marketplace, where you can advertise products, promotions, and special offers for club members.
  • Encouragement to participate in the CCA forum to share knowledge and engage with the community.

Tier II Sponsor - $150+ Annual Donation

With a minimum donation of $150 in cash, goods (at wholesale value), or services, you receive all Tier I benefits, plus:

  • Your logo displayed at the top of the CCA forum and social media pages, in rotation with other sponsors.

Tier III Sponsor - $250+ Annual Donation

With a minimum donation of $250 in cash, goods (at wholesale value), or services, you receive all Tier II benefits, plus:

  • At least one club-sponsored group buy per year for full club members.*
  • Promotion of your group buy on the CCA homepage and social media pages, with a direct link to your website.

*CCA Group Buys are coordinated by the CCA Board of Directors or their designees. Tier III Sponsors are entitled to at least one annual group buy at the club's convenience, though the club may also arrange group buys with non-sponsor vendors at its discretion. Local sponsors are encouraged to participate in club meetings, offering special orders or advance purchases for delivery at club events.

Become a Sponsor

If you or your company would like to become a CCA sponsor, please email us at capitalcichlidsmembers@gmail.com.

Become a Sponsor
  • Published
    Jul 16, 2016
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Recent Threads

FS: 40 breeder & ExoTerra terrarium

40 breeder with home-made twin wall polycarbonate lid & painted back. Holds water - $40. Can provide homemade mattenfilter and uplift tube for an additional $20.

24x18x12 ExoTerra terrarium - $50.

Pickup in 20872



ISO vintage metal tank

I know it's a bit of a long shot, but I've seen at least 2 of those old steel frame tanks show up at the meeting auctions over the last few months so I'm hoping someone has another to spare. I'm looking for one to use in a memorial art piece for a beloved fish of mine who just passed. Doesn't really matter what shape it's in or if it holds water or not, preferably in the 5-20 gallon range. Willing to pay a reasonable price.

Annubias Asst.

Did someone know where to get Annubias Asst. i need it urgently.

Updated Stock List 3/22

Live Stock: Updated 3/22/2025 Located: 20165

Cell- 571-282-1646

Central American:
Amphilophus Lyonsi- 7” female, 2 @ 3” (usexed)
Cribroheros Roberstoni- 2.5”
Cryptoheros Chetumalensis- 3”
Vieja Melanura “LAGO Peten” (F2)- 3”-5”
Nicaraguensis- F2 breeding pairs 2 pairs available
Nicaraguensis Juveniles- 2”
Thorichthys Maculpinnis- (elliotti) 4” breeding female, M/F pair
Thorichthys Meeki-(firemouth) 3”-5”

South American:
Hypselecara Coryphaenoides- (yellow nape chocolate)- 1.5”
Hypselecara temporalis 5”
Guianacara Dacrya- 2”-5”
Aequidens Diadema 5”
Aequidens Metae 5”

Hyphessobrycon Margitae
Hyphessobrycon Pulchripnnis (orange eye)
Hyphessobrycon Sweglesi

Plecos and Catfish:
Megalechis Picta (WC) 3.5”-4”
Super Red Bristlenose- 2 males available 3”
L397- 2 available- 3.5”
L494- 2 available- 3”
L037- 1 available- 4”
L204- 1 available- 4.5”
L340 (WC)- 3 available- 2”-2.5”
L137 (WC)- 1 available- 6”
L135 (WC)- 1 available 3”
L201 (WC)-1 available 2.5”
L473 (WC)- 1 available 3”
Hypostomus Sertanejo (WC)

“Wet-Feet” Plants (Aquarium ROOTED)
Chesapeake Washed Driftwood

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