Hello from Silver Spring, MD


New Member
Hi! I've been an occasional lurker on the forum, but figured I should join finally! Been keeping my own aquariums for 14+ years, all freshwater, and have certainly learned a lot along the way. I mostly prefer SA species when it comes to dwarf cichlids.

I have a freshwater 75 gallon planted community tank and 20 gallon long planted tank. The 75 gal is home to a mixed community with a trio of Bolivian rams, Rummynose tetras, small school of endlers, one adult female bristlenose, 5ish otocinclus, a mix of dwarf synodontis (guessing we have both Synodontis lucipinnis and petricola as they seem to fall in two distinct size groups, plus slightly different patterning), one bamboo shrimp, and a few amanos. Hoping to add a couple more Bolivians and more rummies soon, as we've been slowly losing some due to age. Lost one of my male rams just this weekend that we'd had for 4.5 years or so.

Our 20L currently has a trio of Laetacara dorsigera plus some green neons.

On top of those, I also have simple spawning tanks set up for a breeding pair of super red bristlenose plus a pair of blue eyed lemon bristlenose.

Looking forward to getting to know more fish folks in the area!


Well-Known Member
Hi! I've been an occasional lurker on the forum, but figured I should join finally! Been keeping my own aquariums for 14+ years, all freshwater, and have certainly learned a lot along the way. I mostly prefer SA species when it comes to dwarf cichlids.

I have a freshwater 75 gallon planted community tank and 20 gallon long planted tank. The 75 gal is home to a mixed community with a trio of Bolivian rams, Rummynose tetras, small school of endlers, one adult female bristlenose, 5ish otocinclus, a mix of dwarf synodontis (guessing we have both Synodontis lucipinnis and petricola as they seem to fall in two distinct size groups, plus slightly different patterning), one bamboo shrimp, and a few amanos. Hoping to add a couple more Bolivians and more rummies soon, as we've been slowly losing some due to age. Lost one of my male rams just this weekend that we'd had for 4.5 years or so.

Our 20L currently has a trio of Laetacara dorsigera plus some green neons.

On top of those, I also have simple spawning tanks set up for a breeding pair of super red bristlenose plus a pair of blue eyed lemon bristlenose.

Looking forward to getting to know more fish folks in the area!
Hello and welcome to the forum.


CCA Members
I have a similar set up in one of my 75s w/ rams, apistos, tetras, otos, whiptails. and smaller plecos. Currently my favorite tank...

Did you get the new rummynose yet? If not I have 10 available...


New Member
I have a similar set up in one of my 75s w/ rams, apistos, tetras, otos, whiptails. and smaller plecos. Currently my favorite tank...

Did you get the new rummynose yet? If not I have 10 available...
Apologies, I’d missed this reply. Nope, haven’t gotten new rummynose yet. Are yours still available?