Collecting trip! Sept 8


Staff member
Everyone, we are organizing a collecting trip on Kent Island and along the Eastern shore with Kevin Wilson on September 8! On this trip, you can expect to potentially collect the following species:
-Chasmodes bosquianus (striped blenny)
-Gobiesox strumosus (skilletfish)
-Gobiosoma bosc (Naked goby)
-Fundulus heteroclitus (mummichog)
-Cyprinodon variegatus (sheepshead minnow)
-Luciana parva (rainwater killifish)
-Leiostomus xanthurus (Norfolk spot)
-Sygnathus fuscus (Northern pipefish)
- maybe Fundulus majalis (striped killifish)
-Anguilla rostrata (American eel)

-Harris mud crab
-Black-fingered mud crab
-Grass shrimp
-Sea squirts
-Ribbed mussels
-Ghost anemone
-maybe striped anemone
-Blue crab

-Sea lettuce (Ulva) macroalgae
-Gracilaria macroalgae
-Widgeon grass

If you're interested in joining us, please comment on this post. It's going to be a lot of fun!


CCA Members
I should be good to join... I have a 9' seine net I can bring if it helps, only really good for streams though


Staff member
We are up to TEN people! I am working on composing an email to all participants. If you want to join us, please let me know soon so I can include you in the details.


CCA Members
Is anyone coming from the Frederick direction that I can carpool with?
Bump... anyone? I only ask because I am currently sharing a car with my dad, and it is an hour and a half drive to Annapolis. Would prefer to not leave the car an hour and a half away from home for 7 hours...


Well-Known Member
Awesome trip today! Thanks again to Kevin for guiding us and to everyone who came out to make it a great day.