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  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.


  1. R

    Heaters vs no heaters...

    While at Aquamania, I heard a couple/few people talking about not having/using heaters on their aquariums (not sure if it was a Cichlid tank or not). I didn't get the opportunity to follow-up with them about not using heaters, but now I am more curious... Specifically, 1) Who has opted not...
  2. verbal

    Temperature mixer

    My wife is very excited about my great idea for a temperature mixer. Sent from my iPhone using MonsterAquariaNetwork app
  3. M

    Best lighting temperature for African cichlids?

    Hello everyone I just upgrade my lighting from a cheap 36 inch to another cheap 48 inch shop light which I picked up at home depot. Btw I am running two T8 6500k bulbs, and they do an awesome job at washing out my fishes color. I am a newb, so please recommend some color temperature which...
  4. C

    Ph, Temperature, And Fish Sex

    I was doing a bit of research on how the temperature and pH change the ratio of female to male in a spawn. Now, I know that one of these two parameters will drastically change the ratio of male to female in some species of fish. I know this because I keep Mollies in some of my Angelfish tanks...