Fishroom in progress


DavidG / CCA Member
I wanted to share pictures of my fish room in progress, this is my 2nd room I built, I help Bill build his in his fish room and his works so well I built one for me.


air and water system.jpg

show tank man room.jpg



DavidG / CCA Member
17 tanks on that rack, 13 tanks on other racks and 4 other tanks in my man room.
Holy crap I didn,t know I had that many. yes the 17 tanks are all connected to the sump makes for a very easy water change. sump dumps into my house sump pump.


Wow, David, it looks spectacular.

I love the clean and bright look, the nice racks, the cabinet doors for hiding what in my fish room would definitely be mess... awesome.


DavidG / CCA Member
Thank you all. Those picture are about 3 months old. Ill post newer ones soon. Wendy all of my tanks are full just need to show mmore pics. Sorry. More to come


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Nice! In seeing that gorgeous rack, you are certainly qualified to call yourself "Cabinetmaker." ;)

How are you doing your new water distribution? Are you on a well or on municipal water? Are you pretreating/filtering and what are you using to control flow into the tanks?

I got my drain system set up in my room (which certainly helps), but sort of sputtered when it came to setting up the fresh water supply. I'd love to automate water changes a bit more. :)


DavidG / CCA Member
"How are you doing your new water distribution? Are you on a well or on municipal water? Are you pretreating/filtering and what are you using to control flow into the tanks?"
Tony, new water comes for hot and cold water tapped into the home water supply and a 25' Potable water hose, because all of my tanks are not online yet I need the portability of the hose."I'll take more pictures later today when I get home.
"municipal water" yes and no I don't have to treat this system my sump is only holding 40 gals. of my 336gal system. I do 40 gal water change every 3 days its that issuse as of yet.
Flow to the tanks are adjusted with 1/2 pvc ball valves. you can see the red handles in the pictures.
Im running a mag drive #9 as my circulating pump and 1" electrical grey pvc adapters as my bulkheads, back to the 1 1/2 pvc drain system to the sump.White barrel